New Objects:
New IO Connection:
New Features:
- All tracking map inputs have now delays for position, rotation and all additional custom data like zoom, focus etc.
New Camera calibration tool:
New Interfaces:
- The frame drops indicators within the Time Inspector are now dependent to the Late tick calculation.
- Synced IO-Connection can now shift the input timing.
- Gateway improvements
- Updated Phidget Connection to support Rev2 of the Phidget VINT Hub
- Blacktrax (RTTrPM) protocol is now improved to also support if “zones” are enabled
- Azure Kinect integration has added auto reconnect, detect disconnection, and connection state in inspector
- Calibration screens now has the option to shuffle marker ID. This increases the total number of marker IDs on a screen.
- Optitracks Volume can now exclude specific ID´s.
- Recording export improvements
- Camera calibration tools can detect marker size and filter these
Bug & Crash Fixes:
- Viewport navigation behaves unusual
- Point picker didn´t return the correct location values under special circumstances
- Camera reposition tools where causes a crash if the camera hasn´t a alignment profile
- Ranger node was not updating correctly and under special circumstances could cause a crash.
- Gateway fixes
- disable a composition node where still updating/working
- Multiple Blickfeld 3D Lidars was causing random crashes by longer runtime
- NatNet has been fixed for coordinate rotation
- Parameter Targeting from a vector parameter to a point parameter causes a crash
- Exporting of recordings did not include manipulation from alignment profile
- Searching within the Target parameter dropdown list causes a crash
- Optitrack Calibration Recorder had an issue of only showing 4 optitrack cameras in the UI even though it is capturing for more than 4 cameras
- Optitrack Cameras are loaded into the project with the correct gain settings
- deleting existing media blocks from the media layer on the timeline while the playhead is playing on the timeline cause a crash
- Camera Calibration wizard would crash when trying to calibration with no observation taken
- Camera Recording was stored wrong parameter used special circumstances.