- Float
- value.get() will return the value.
- value.set(123) will set the value to 123,00.
- value.set(456.789) will set the value to 456,789.
- Int
- value.get() will return the value.
- value.set(123) will set the value to 123.
- Bool
- checkbox.get() will return the state as 0 for false and 1 for true.
- checkbox.set(0) will set the checkbox to false.
- checkbox.set(1) will set the checkbox to true.
- String
- string.get() will return the string.
- string.set("Test String 123") will set the string value to Test String 123.
- Color [R, G, B, A]
- color.get() will return an array with the size of 4.
- color.get()[0 ] will return the first entry (R ) of the array [1 ] the second (G ) and so on…
- color.set([1, 0, 0, 1]) will set the color to red.
- color.set([0, 1, 0, 1]) will set the color to green.
- color.set([0, 0, 1, 1]) will set the color to blue.
- color.set([1, 1, 1, 1]) will set the color to white.
- color.set([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]) will set the color to 50% grey.
- The values are ranged from 0,0 – 1,0.
- Vector [X, Y, Z]
- vector.get() will return an array with the size of 3.
- vector.get()[0 ] will return the first entry (X) of the array [1 ] the second (Y) and so on…
- vector.set([12.34, 43.21, 56.78]) will set the values X=12,34 Y=43,21 Z=56,78.
Point [X, Y]
- point.get() will return an array with the size of 2.
- point.get()[0 ] will return the first entry (X) of the array [1 ] the second (Y).
- point.set([12.34, 43.21]) will set the values X=12,34 Y=43,21.