Camera Specific Filters
Process Priorities
Each filter has Process Priorities to define the moment when the filter should grab and modify the values.
Name | Description |
Input Filter | If ticked the filter will be applied to the input data. |
Pre Calculation Filter | If ticked this filter will be applied pre-calculation of the data. |
Post Calculation Filter | If ticked this filter will be applied post calculation of the data. |
Lens Profile
[Range] Field of View
The field of view can be altered by manipulating the curve. The curve can be changed from a linear curve to Bsizer curve, by left-clicking to highlight the curve and right-clicking to change the type.
[Range] Zoom
Range the Zoom parameter into FoV, Cx, Cy, K1, K2, K3 with curves.
[Range] Focus Distance
The field of view can be altered by manipulating the curve. The curve can be changed from a linear curve to Bsizer curve, by left-clicking to highlight the curve and right-clicking to change the type.
Focus Target
Name | Description |
Target Object | A target object can be selected using the target button. |
Offset | The offset distance from the target object can be set here in meters. |
Target Option |
[Range] Iris to Aperture
The field of view can be altered by manipulating the curve. The curve can be changed from a linear curve to Bsizer curve, by left-clicking to highlight the curve and right-clicking to change the type.
Target Camera Layer
This filter linked the Camera to follow a specific Camera Layer within the Timeline.
Target and FoV Filter
One or multiple target objects can be added and selcted so the camera will always focus to these objects.
This filter also include the FoV to make sure that the single or the multiple objects are always within the FoV.
By using Objects with muliple points, like a Cube, also the size of these objects will be included in the FoV calculation
Auto FoV
One or multiple target objects can be added.
This filter calculates the FoV to make sure that the single or the multiple objects are always within the view.
By using Objects with muliple points, like a Cube, also the size of these objects will be included in the FoV calculation