To use the Azure Kinect IO connection, the kinect sensor(s) must first be added using the + button.

Kinect Setup


Name Description
Position The position of the kinect along the XYZ axis can be set.
Scale The scale in meters can be set here.
Rotation The rotation on the XYZ axis can be set.

Azure Kinect

Name Description
Index The index number of the incoming kinect can be set.
Serial The serial of the incoming kinect will be displayed when connected.
Connected When on, the kinect is connected.
Sync Mode
Number of Persons The number of people the kinect is required to detect can be set here.


Any active Azure Kinect already connected to the computer can be added to the scene by clicking the magnifying glass. This will open display the serial number of all active Azure Kinects and the correct one can be selected.

Name Description
Open Viewer Pressing this button opens a viewer that displays the kinect feed.
Viewer Image
  • Colour
  • Depth
  • Ir
Depth Mode
  • Depth Off
  • NFOV Binned
  • NFOV Unbinned
  • WFOV Binned
  • WFOV Unbinned
  • Ir
Colour Format
  • BGRA
  • JPEG
  • NV12
  • YUY2
  • Colour Off
  • 1280 * 720
  • 1920 * 1080
  • 2560 * 1440
  • 2048 * 1536
  • 3840 * 2160
  • 4096 * 3072
  • 5fps
  • 15fps
  • 30fps
Power Frequency
  • 50 Hz
  • 60 Hz
Sensor Orentation
  • Default
  • Clockwise 90
  • Anti-Clockwise 90
  • Upside-down
GPU Device ID The ID number of the GPU can be added here.
Tracker Processing Mode
  • GPU
  • CPU
Update Colour When on, the changes in colour will automatically be updated.
Update IR When on, the changed in IR will automatically be updated.
Update World When on, the world will automatically be updated.
Update Vbo When on, the vertex buffer object will be automatically updated.
Update Body When on, the skeleton body will automatically be updated.
Display Device When on the device will be displayed.

Vbo Options

Name Description
Display Vbo When on, the vertex buffer object will be displayed.
Draw Point Size
Display Mesh When on, the mesh will be displayed.
Capture Pressing this button will add the Vbo to the objects panel and open its own parameter window.
Near Clipping The near clipping range can be set here. This is the closest rendering distance.
Far Clipping The far clipping range can be set here. This is the furthest rendering distance.
Clip Floor When on, the floor will be rendered in the clipping distance.
Floor Height The height of the floor can be set here in meters.
Clip With Object When on, a set object can be added into the clipping frame.
Primitive Cube The clipping object can be selected here.


Name Description
Align Tool Pressing this button will open the world calibration window.

Calibration – World

  1. The SP (Stage Precision) world reference point needs to be set. This can be done by clicking in the black box, this will open a drop-down list and the reference point can be selected.
  1. The source reference point needs to be set. This can also be done by clicking in the black box, opening a drop-down list and the reference point can be selected.
  1. The calibration mode can be set to manually take frames or automatically take frames.
  1. Next the Calculation Mode must be set from the options: CRSPD_PTS_TF, Plc or Axis.
  1. The calibration can begin by pressing the button ‘Take Frames’ or ‘Click to Start’.


Name Description
Display Object If ticked, the object will be visible in the scene. If un-ticked, the object will not be visible.
Display Label When on, there will be a label displayed next to the object.
Locked When un-ticked, it activates keyboard shortcuts – pressing ‘E’ allows you to move and ‘R’ rotate.
Object Colour Double click the colour block and this will open a colour picker. This can be used to change the object display colour.
Viewport Scale Dimensions of the object in the viewport in meters.

Compatible Input Objects