This is a colour block with input and output mapping.

Colour Field Setup

Name Description
Colour Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.


Name Description
Editable When on, the node is editable.
Colour This affects the border of the colour field box. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Locked When on, the colour field is locked into its position on the board.
Label Colour The label colour can be altered. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.

Maps Out

The colour field has specific output maps.


Name Description
Value Relay The target object can be selected using the target button.
Only on Changing When ticked the object colour will only change when the value changes.
Param Range
  • None
  • Parameter Range
  • Slider Range

Multi Values

Name Description
Only on Changing When ticked the object colour will only change when the value changes.
Parameter Name The parameter name can be entered manually.


Name Description
Targets The target object can be selected using the target button.
Use Children When this is on the objects children will also be affected by the colour values.
  • None
  • Tracker
  • Pixel
  • Spotlight
  • Light Fixture
  • Winch
  • Winch2
  • Winch3