This effector uses an image feed and project that out onto the effected objects.


Name Description
Position This will move the object along X, Y and Z axis in the local space.
Scale Scale of the coordinate system. To scale the Object check the settings under “Display”
Rotation Rotation of the object along X, Y and Z axis.


Name Description
Weight This is the amount that the objects are affected, the higher the number the more the objects are affected.
Image Provider The source of the image feed
Keep unprojected color Toggle to control what the color should be in the unprojected area
Position Position along the X, Y and Z axis, that the objects will move when interacting with the effector.
Rotation Rotation along the X, Y and Z axis, that the objects will do when interacting with the effector.
Colour Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.


Name Description
  • Infinite – This will affect everything within the visualizer.
  • Sphere – The area that is affected will be defined by the radius of the sphere.
  • Cube – The area that is affected will be defined by the size of the cube.
  • Linear – The area that is affected will be defined by the side or direction of the linear plane.
Position Type
  • Original Object Position – This will affect the objects from their original positions.
  • Effected Position – The objects will be affected by the position of the effector.
Falloff When increased this will create a feathered effect to the affected area, if at 0 the falloff point will be a line.
Radius Distance from the center of the object to the edge of the circle in meters.
Cube Size Dimensions of the cubes width, height and length.
Invert When ticked, the effector will only affect objects within its shape. When un-ticked, it will invert the effect and only affect those outside the shape.

Effected Objects


Name Description
Target A target object can be selected by using the trigger button. The target object/s will be affected by the effector.
  • Tracker
  • Pixel
  • Spotlight
  • Light Fixture
  • Multipixel