The winch 3 object has three chain and hook points arranged in a triangle. These can be attached to one object and allow for rotation as well as linear movements.


Name Description
Position This will move the object along X, Y and Z axis in the local space.
Scale Scale of the coordinate system. To scale the Object check the settings under “Display”
Rotation Rotation of the object along X, Y and Z axis.

Winch Control

Name Description
Target Height Distance from the winch to the end of the chain or subobject.
Rotation X Rotation of the subobject on the X axis from 0 to 100 degrees.
Rotation Y Rotation of the subobject on the Y axis from 0 to 100 degrees.
1 – Value in % Equivalent percentage value to the target height and rotation Y value.
2 – Value in % Equivalent percentage value to the target height and rotation X and Y values.
3 – Value in % Equivalent percentage value to the target height and rotation X and Y values.


Name Description
Drive Range Min The closest distance the chain or object can be to the winch.
Drive Range Max The maximum distance that the chain can travel from the winch.
Limit Range If ticked it enables the use of the range clipping min and range clipping max.
Range Clipping Min Minimum distance the winch can travel with in the drive range min.
Range Clipping Max Maximum distance the winch can travel with in the drive range max.
Min X Rotation By setting a minimum rotation it prevents the subobject from rotating past this point on X axis.
Max X Rotation By setting a maximum rotation it prevents the subobject from rotating past this point on X axis.
Min Y Rotation By setting a minimum rotation it prevents the subobject from rotating past this point on Y axis.
Max Y Rotation By setting a maximum rotation it prevents the subobject from rotating past this point on X axis.
Speed Maximum speed which the winch subobject can travel.
Drive Subobjects If ticked this will control any objects which have been made a child of the winch, as if they are attached to the winch chain.
Subobject Offset Offset distance between the subobject and winch body.
Motor Group Width This is the width in meters between the motors.
Motor Group Height This is the height in meters between the motors.


Name Description
Display Object If ticked, the object will be visible in the scene. If un-ticked, the object will not be visible.
Display Label When on, there will be a label displayed next to the object.
Locked When un-ticked, it activates keyboard shortcuts – pressing ‘E’ allows you to move and ‘R’ rotate.
Object Colour Double click the colour block and this will open a colour picker. This can be used to change the object display colour.
Viewport Scale Dimensions of the object in the viewport in meters.

Display Settings Tutorial


Input Mapping


Output Mapping

Node Based

The object can be controlled and used as a node. The node is created by clicking and dragging the parameter on to the board.

Name Description
  • Input – The nodes input values are determined by incoming values from an external source.
  • Output – The node is outputting data to another source.
Target Object This is the object that will either be affected by the incoming values or output information.
Position The directional XYZ values will be displayed here.
Rotation The rotational XYZ values will be displayed here.
Enabled When on, the parameter is active and enabled.
Display Colour This colour block can be changed by changing the parameter.


Name Description
Editable When on, the node is editable.
Locked When on, the node is locked into its position on the board.