Resolume Arena is a Media Server.

Stage Precision can remote control Resolume Arena.

Enable remote control within Resolume Arena

Whithin the Resolume settings enable the “OSC Input” and define a “Incoming Port”.

Add a Resolume IO Connection

Withi the IO-Connection a click on the small (+) opens a menu.
Search here for “Resolume” or navigate to “Media Server” -> “Resolume”.

The “Remote Host” needs to be the IP address of the system where Resolume Arena is running
The “Remote port” needs to match with the port defined within the Resolume setting from above.

Resolume Maps (predefined)

A resolume trigger map can be added

This map has multiple options

Action Descripton Options
Play Column Played the selected column one parameter to define the column
Play Next Column Played the next column
jumped to the first column after reached the last one
Play Prevous Column Played the prevoius column
jumped to the last column after reached the first one
Stop All Stopped all
Play Group Column Played the specific column of the choosen group one parameter to define the column
one parameter to define the group
Select Desk switch to the defined deck one parameter to define the deck
Select Next Desk select the next deck
jumped to the first deck after reached the last one
Select Prevoius Deck select the prevoius deck
jumped to the last deck after reached the first one
Layer Play Clip Played the specific clip for a specific layer one parameter to define the layer
one parameter to define the clip
Layer Play Next Clip Played the specific layer to the next clip
jumped to the first clip after reached the last one
one parameter to define the layer
Layer Play Prevoius Clip Played the specific layer to the prevoius clip
jumped to the last clip after reached the first one
one parameter to define the layer
Layer Clear Clear the playing clip from this specific layer one parameter to define the layer
Layer Bypassed Make this specific layer invisible one parameter to define the layer
Layer Solo Only play this specific layer one parameter to define the layer
Layer Play Direction Define the direction of this specific layer one parameter to define the layer
Direction options:
  • Pause
  • Forward
  • Backwards
Layer Play Mode Define the play mode of this specific layer one parameter to define the layer
Mode options:
  • Loop
  • Bounce
  • Random
  • Play Once and Clear
  • Play Once and Hold
Clip Play Direction Define the direction of this specific clip one parameter to define the layer
one parameter to define the clip
Direction options:
  • Pause
  • Forward
  • Backwards
Clip Play Mode Define the play mode of this specific clip one parameter to define the layer
one parameter to define the clip
Mode options:
  • Loop
  • Bounce
  • Random
  • Play Once and Clear
  • Play Once and Hold
Clip Jump Cuepoint jump to a specific cue point one parameter to define the layer
one parameter to define the clip
one parameter to define the jump point
Start Recording Record the actual video output to disk
Stop Recording Stop the recording

Resolume Custom command maps

It´s possible to remote control each single option/parameter within Resolume Arena.

For example to control the opacity of a specific layer send a float to:

Find the correct custom adress within Resolume Arena

_within the menu under “Shortcuts” -> “Edit OSC” _

selecting now a single option/parameter shows the adresses within the lower right corner
there is a absolute and a relative address which can be used

Resolume Node for custom commands

Sending custom commands can also be done by using a node.

simply drag and drop the IO into a board