Channel | bit | Parameter | Defaults |
1 | 16bit | Target Id* | 0 |
3 | 8bit | Target Fade in 1/10s | 0 |
4 | 8bit | Mixed Pos** | 255 |
5 | 8bit | Mixed Brightness** | 255 |
6 | 8bit | Mixed Zoom** | 255 |
7 | 8bit | Mixed Color** | 255 |
8 | 8bit | Mixed Focus** | 255 |
9 | 8bit | Mixed Iris** | 255 |
10 | 16bit | Offset LeftRight +-100m | 32768 |
12 | 16bit | Offset DownUp +-100m | 32768 |
14 | 16bit | Offset BackwardsForward +-100m | 32768 |
16 | 8bit | Target Scale factor | 100 |
*Each Target object within SP has an unique Id.
The choosen Target Id from the DMX parameter will select the Target object which is equal to the unique Id.
**For all “Mixed” channels: Value 0 means full controll from SP, value 255 full control from the lighting desk.