Prepare the camera

First the freeD feedback output needs to be activated

Make sure, that this values are matching with the SP settings:

- Camera ID
- Destination IP
- Destination Port

Enable Visca for the FR7

Enable Tally over Visca

Range the Zoom and Focus values

Within the connection settings go to the FreeD settings.
Click on the zoom range icon and zoom fully in and out at least 3 times.
Make sure that you really go to the minimum and maximum.
Press the “Enter” key when this is done and repeat the step with focus.

Setup the FR7

FR7 in desktop mode.

FR7 in hanging mode.

Joystick Calibration

We have done a pre calibration for Pan and Tilt with the default values from the FR7.

The pre calibrated default settings for the FR7 are these: