The OSC IO can directly filter OSC messages to trigger actions in Stage Precision.
Create an “on message” event directly in the IO to add a message filter with a click on the (+):
It´s now possible to use different conditions:
1th condition
The first condition is the OSC Adress/Path which needs to match.
2th condition
This is followed by a second condition “Type Filter”:
- All Types – means that each messages will pass these condition.
- Integer – only messages with the type of an integer will pass these condition.
- Float – only messages with the type of a float will pass these condition.
- String – only messages with the type of a string will pass these condition.
- Color – only messages with the type of a color will pass these condition.
3th condition
If the second filter is not equal “All Types” e.g. Float, String, etc…
The 3th condition will be need to match:
- None – means that each value of these type will be pass these condition.
- == Equal – means that only the exactly same value from the “Compare Number” will be pass these condition.
- != Not Equal – means that each value will be pass these condition, but not the defined “Compare Number” .
- < Smaler – means that all values which are smaler “Compare Number” will be pass these condition.
- <= Smaler Equal – means that all values which are smaler or the same like the “Compare Number” will be pass these condition.
- > Bigger – means that all values which are bigger “Compare Number” will be pass these condition.
- >= Bigger Equal – means that all values which are bigger or the same like the “Compare Number” will be pass these condition.
In “Actions” can different type of trigger be choosen, which will be run if the conditions are passed: