New Integrations:
New Nodes:
New Features:
- New Camera calibration tool: Simple Static Calibration to calibrate a fix lens and align the camera with a single taken capture.
- Calibration Multi Screens can now be exported as FBX incl. UV-coordinates.
- MTC IO “On Time” event
- Lens Profiles are now supporting multiple units for the distortion parameters.
- Added more alignment tools for VBO Snapshots.
- Multi Map Input optimization to support merging behaviors better.
- Overall speed improvement for saving project files.
Bug Fixes:
- Calibration Screens have not saved the resolution correctly within the project file.
- Calibration Single Screen – Even though they were positioned correctly, the coordinates were not set correctly in the inspector.
- VBO Point alignment tools – selected points were not drawn in the viewport.
- Blickfeld Sensor had not saved the parameter “display frustum” within the project file.
- Hokuyo alignment tools – Calibration points were not drawn correctly when the sensor was already positioned.
- Sick LMS – mesh was missing.
- Midi TC IO (MTC) did not work.
- Midi IO did not work.
Crash fixes:
- Axis Calibration Tool crash fixes.
- Project load issues solved.
- Copy/Paste notes from one project into an other crash fixes.