Project Settings can be found under.

File > Project Settings.


Name Description
Main Process Rate The process rate can be altered here.
Node Process Rate The node process rate can be altered here.
Effector Process Rate The effector process rate can be altered here.
Morph Process Rate The morph process rate can be altered here.
Gui Refresh Rate The GUI refresh rate can be altered here.
Viewport Refresh Rate This alters the frames per second of the viewport.

3D Widget

Name Description
Grid Size This is the size of the grid or floor in meters within the 3D space.
Grid Distance This is the size of the grid squares in meters.
Grid Colour The grid lines colours can be changed. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Background Colour The background colour of the grid can be changed. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Show Main Axis When on the XYZ axis arrows will be displayed in the center of the grid.
Show HUD Axis When on the XYZ axis orientation of the grid is displayed in the bottom left corner.
Show Safe Area
Label Colour The label colour can be altered. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Label Background Colour The label background can be altered. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Label Size The label size can be changed.
Viewport Camera A camera object can be assigned to be the viewport camera.
Light Position The position of the scene light can be altered.


This is the automatic viewport camera when a project is opened, this camera can be controlled by external devices with an input map and its current position can be mapped to an output and the GUI view controlled from an external source.


Name Description
Position The position of the automatic viewport camera can be altered from here.
Scale The scale of the automatic viewport camera can be changed.
Rotation The rotation of the automatic viewport camera can be changed here.



Sound Card

Name Description
Input Gain This varies the amount of amplification of an input microphone.
Activity Threshold This sets the threshold at which the audio is compressed.
Keep Values When on, the values will be saved.
Out Volume The output volume can be set here.


Name Description
Monitor Volume The monitor volume can be set here.
Monitor Out: Left When on the volume output will be from the left.
Monitor Out: Right When on the volume output will be from the right.

Hardware Settings

Name Description
Audio Device Type This will vary depending on the device.
Output The audio output can be set here.
Input The input device can be set here.
Active Output Channels The active output channels available can be turned on or off.
Sample Rate The sample rate in hertz can be set.
Audio Buffer Size The buffer size can be set here.