TrackMen has multiple 3D real-timeTracking solutions among other things for camera tracking.

Add a connection to TrackMen

The TrackMen IO can be added with a click on the (+) within the IO Connections.

Settings to receive TrackMen data

Within the “Inspector” the “Local Port” needs to match with the settings from TrackMen.
Define the connected “Interface” from the local PC where the TrackMen system is connected to.

Settings within TrackMen

Host needs to be the IP address of the Stage Precision computer
Port needs to match the defined “Local Port* within the TrackMen IO Connection
Euler angles (Instead of matrix) needs to be unchecked
Matrix: studio -> camera coordinates needs to be unchecked
Camera y-axis points up (instead of z) needs to be checked
Studio y-axis points up (instead of z) needs to be checked
Field of view angle (instead of focal length) needs to be checked
Vertical angle (instead of horizontal) needs to be unchecked
Ignore blank edges in analog video needs to be unchecked
Keep aspect ratio (instead of adjusting) needs to be unchecked
Center shift in pixel (instead of mm) needs to be unchecked
Center shift scale factor (X-axis) needs to be 1.00
Center shift scale factor (Y-axis) needs to be 1.00
Additional FoV scale factor needs to be 1.000
Omit sending constants needs to be unchecked

Adding a map input

To link the incoming TrackMen data stream to a camera object it’s necessary to add a map input.

The map input has multiple check boxes to enable/disable different options from the TrackMen protocol.

Position Position values
Rotation Rotation values
Lens Data Physical lens values
Distortion Distortion Parameter
Sensor Sensor Parameter

Adding a map output

Within Stage Precision it´s also possible to send out the TrackMen protocol.

Enable the “Output” within the IO Connection and define the remote host and port.

Simply add a map output to a camera object.