An audio layer can be added by using the + button in the timeline.

To add an audio track, double-click the audio layer part of the timeline. This will open up a file explorer and the audio track can be located.

Audio layer parameters can be edited in the inspector.

Audio Layer Parameters

Name Description
Layer Colour Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Volume The volume of the audio track can be adjusted.
Envelope B4
Sound Card Module The specific sound card input can be selected.
Channel Out: Left When on, the audio layer will be output by the left speaker.
Channel Out: Right When on, the audio layer will be output by the right speaker.

Block Setup

Time The start time of the block can be manually added here.
Length The length or duration of the block can be added manually here.
Locked If ticked/on the block will be locked on the timeline.
Colour The colour of the block can be altered here.