functions for directories/files
creates a directory by the defined path
returned 1 if directory exist or 0 if not
returned 1 if file exist or 0 if not
util.fileExists("C:/Program Files/Stage Precision/Stage Precision.exe");
returned the content of a *.txt file
returned all files within the given path as array
util.renameFile("FilePath", "newName");
renamed the defined file
util.renameFile("D:/Test.txt", "NewText.txt");
util.writeFile("Path/File", "content");
writes a file on the given path with the given content
util.writeFile("D:/Test/Test.txt", "Some content for this file");
start/kill applications/files
close the defined application
opens the defined file/application
functions for strings
util.StringContainsAnyOf("string", "chars");
returned 1 if a single given char is part of the given string 0 if not
util.StringContainsAnyOf("Test", "T"); will return a 1 because "T" is part of "Test"
util.StringContainsAnyOf("Test", "Begin"); will also return a 1 because the "e" of "Begin" is part of "Test"
util.StringContainsAnyOf("Test", "Ping"); will return a 0 because there are no matching characters
returned 1 if a single given char is a lower case character, 0 if not
util.StringContainsLowerCase("TEST"); will return a 0
util.StringContainsLowerCase("TeST"); will return a 1
util.StringContainsOnly("string", "chars");
returned 1 if the given char is equal to the string (case sensitive), 0 if not
util.StringContainsOnly("Test 123", "Test 123"); will return a 1
util.StringContainsOnly("Test 123", "Test"); will return a 0
util.StringContainsOnly("Test 123", "test 123"); will return a 0
returned 1 if a single given char is a upper case character, 0 if not
util.StringContainsUpperCase("Test"); will return a 1
util.StringContainsUpperCase("test"); will return a 0
util.StringContainsWholeWord("string", "word");
returned 1 if the given word is is part of the given string (case sensitive), 0 if not
util.StringContainsWholeWord("Test 123", "123"); will return a 1
util.StringContainsWholeWord("Test 123", "Test"); will also return a 1
util.StringContainsWholeWord("Test 123", "1234"); will return a 0
util.StringContainsWholeWord("Test 123", "test"); will return a 0
util.StringContainsWholeWordIgnoreCase("string", "word");
returned 1 if the given word is is part of the given string (not case sensitive), 0 if not
util.StringContainsWholeWordIgnoreCase("Test 123", "123"); will return a 1
util.StringContainsWholeWordIgnoreCase("Test 123", "test"); will also return a 1
util.StringContainsWholeWordIgnoreCase("Test 123", "1234"); will return a 0
returned the given string with lower case only
util.StringToLowerCase("TEst TesT"); will return "test test"
returned the given string with upper case only
util.StringToUpperCase("Test Test"); will return "TEST TEST"
system functions
copy the defined value into the clipboard
returned the content of the clipboard
returned the Stage Precision version number
returned an array with all avaiable IP addresses
returned an array with all avaiable methods from the given object
returned an array with all avaiable properties from the given object
returned a Object witch needs addional “extensions” to acces the data
util.getOSInfos().name to get the os-name
util.getOSInfos().type to get the os-type
util.getOSInfos().computerName to get the system computer name
util.getOSInfos().language to get the os-language code
util.getOSInfos().username to get the system user name
returned the number of seconds since the last system boot
returned the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT)
convert functions
returned a float from a given byte array
returned a 32bit integer from a given byte array
returned a 64bit integer from a given byte array
dialog/message boxes
util.showMessageBox("title", "message");
generates a message box
util.showMessageBox("title", "message", "optionalType");
the box type can be changed (optional)
util.showMessageBox("This is a message box", "with some information");
util.showMessageBox("This is a message box", "with some information", "warning");
util.showMessageBox("This is a message box", "with some information", "info");
util.showMessageBox("This is a message box", "with some information", "question");
util.showOkCancelBox("title", "message");
generates a message box with two options
the first options returned 1, the second option 0
util.showOkCancelBox("title", "message", "optionalType", "optionalLabelOK", "optionalLabelCancel");
the box type can be changed as well as the button labels (optional)
util.showOkCancelBox("This is a message box", "with a question");
util.showOkCancelBox("This is a message box", "with a question", "warning", "Yes", "No");
util.showOkCancelBox("This is a message box", "with a question", "info", "Yes", "No");
util.showOkCancelBox("This is a message box", "with a question", "question", "Yes", "No");
util.showPasswordBox("title", "message");
generates a message box with a password field
returned the password as string
util.showPasswordBox("title", "message", "optionalType");
the box type can be changed (optional)
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "a password is needed");
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "a password is needed", "warning");
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "a password is needed", "info");
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "a password is needed", "question");
util.showOkCancelBox("title", "message", "optionalType", "optionalLabelOK", "optionalLabelCancel");
the box type can be changed as well as the button labels (optional)
util.showYesNoCancelBox("title", "message");
generates a message box with three options
the first options returned 1, the second option 2, the third option 0
util.showYesNoCancelBox("title", "message", "optionalType", "optionalLabelYes", "optionalLabelNo", "optionalLabelCancel");
the box type can be changed as well as the button labels (optional)
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "with three options");
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "with three options", "warning", "One", "Two", "Three");
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "with three options", "info", "One", "Two", "Three");
util.showPasswordBox("This is a message box", "with three options", "question", "One", "Two", "Three");