

Name Description
Position This will move the object along X, Y and Z axis in the local space.
Scale Scale of the coordinate system. To scale the Object check the settings under “Display”
Rotation Rotation of the object along X, Y and Z axis.

SP Pattern

Name Description
Start Marker ID The ID of the first marker
Marker Size The physical size of each marker
Tag Generator
  • Default will generate the Marker ID in accending order
  • Shuffle, Marker IDs are randomized to increase the total number of markers that can exist in a screen

There is a limited number of markers available. If the screen resolution is too high in relation to the marker size, it would be possible that you will run out of available markers like the image below:

If that is the case, you can choose the Tag Generator to be in Shuffle mode. This way would shuffle the order of the markers and extending the total number of markers available for one screen. After changing the mode, and generating the pattern, you would get something like this:


Name Description
Save Congifuration Trigger to store the current configurations that can be recall later

With this option, it makes it easier to swap between different marker size / marker ID setup to accomodate for different zoom range of a lens.


Name Description
Generate Texture Trigger to generate a new texture based on the current setting
Screen Dimension The physical size of the entire screen
Screen Resolution The video resolution of the entire screen


To configure a calibration screen, there are a few key parameters that you need to configure:

  • Depending on the situation, you might want to define the placement of the screen
  • Define the physical dimension and resolution of the screen. It is extremely important that these values are absolutely accurate.
  • Define the size of the marker and depending on the situation add and offset to the starting Marker ID.