This is the Camera SDK software which provides 2D camera object data.

Optitrack Camera Setup

Name Description
Status The status of the incoming data will be displayed here.
Is Running When on, data is being recieved.
Autostart When on, the Optitrack camera data will autostart.
Start-Process This button starts the Optitrack process.
Update Camera List This button updates the camera list.


Name Description
Active Component When on, the Optitrack camera will be active.


Cameras can be added by pressing the + button next to the camera title.

Base Item

Name Description
Available When on, the camera is available.
Serial The serial of the camera can be added here.
Id The Id number of the camera can be added here.
Name The name of the camera can be written here.
Model The camera model will be displayed here when the camera is connected.
Framerate The frame rate of the camera added here.
Exposure The exposure of the camera can be adjusted.
Threshold The threshold of the camera can be adjusted.
Intensity The intensity of the camera can be adjusted.
Video Type
  • GrayScale Mode
  • Object Mode
  • MJPEG Mode
  • Precision Mode
IR Filter When on, the infrared light will be filtered out.
Gain This ranges from 1: Low(Short Range) to 8: Low(Long Range)
MJPEG Quality The quality can be changed here.
IR LED When on, the LED will emit infrared.
Coloured LED Ring When on, the LED ring will be coloured.
Colour LED Ring Colour of LED ring can be altered. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Image Width The image width is determined by the camera type.
Image Height The image height is determined by the camera type.


Name Description
Offset Position Any positional offset to the data can be set.
Offset Scale Any scale offset to the data can be set.
Offset Rotation Any rotational offset to the data can be set.
Align Tool Pressing this button will align the tracking data with the object.
Clear Offset Pressing this button will reset all the offset coordinates.

Optitack Camera Mapping

Maps In

Name Description
Use Active Marker When on, the data from the active marker will be used.
Use Passive Marker When on, the data from passive markers will be used.
Filter Camera When on, cameras will be filtered.
Camera Serial the ID number or serial number of the camera can be added here.
Position Type
  • Relative – The position of the data is relative to the object.
  • Absolute – The position of the data is absolute to the world.


Name Description
Tracked State
  • Undefined – When tracker does not have a map input.
  • Inactive – When the tracker has a follow object input map.
  • Active – When the tracker has a target object map input.
Enable Recording When on, the tracking data can be recorded.

Mapping Polygon

Name Description
Point This is the XY position of the initial point.
Point 1 This is the XY position of the first point.
Point 2 This is the XY position of the second point.
Point 3 This is the XY position of the third point.
Alpha This is the alpha level from 0 to 1.
Border Colour The colour of the border can be altered. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker with RGB (red, green, blue) and alpha control.
Show Image When on, the image will be shown.
Show Blobs When on, the blobs will be shown.
Show Excludes

Compatible Input Objects