SPNet is a Stage Precision own protocol which can be used to communicate with other SP documents.

SPNet Setup

Is sender – When off the Stage Precision document will receive SPNet. When on the Stage Precision document will output SPNet.


Name Description
Multicast Target IP This is where the IP address of the multicast can be entered.
Local Port This is the port that will receive data from other devices.
Multicast Connection When on, data can be sent to multiple recipients.
Interface This is the IP address of the local network interface (NIC) which should be used for this connection.
Use in loopback When on the data will be looped back on the IP network.
Is Bound This will be on when the IO connection is bound to a network.


Name Description
Multicast Target IP This is where the IP address of the multicast can be entered.
Local Port This is the port that will receive data from other devices.
Multicast Connection When on, data can be sent to multiple recipients.
Use in loopback When on the data will be looped back on the IP network.
Refresh Time (ms) The refresh time of the output can be set here in milliseconds.
Interface This is the IP address of the local network interface (NIC) which should be used for this connection.

SPNet Mapping

Maps In

Name Description
Packet Type
  • Tracked Point – The data being recieved is from a single tracked point.
  • Rigid Body – The data being received is from a rigid body.
  • Camera – The data being received is from a camera object.
  • Moveable – The data being received is from a moveable.
Object ID The specific object number or ID can be selected here.
Position When on the positional data will be used.
Rotation When on the rotational data will be used.
Rotation Conversion
  • Direction – The rotational data will be converted into directional rotation.
  • Euler – The rotational data is relevant to a rigid body rotating on a different axis on a single point.
Velocity When on the velocity data will be used.
Acceleration When on the acceleration data will be used.
Visibility When on the input visibility data will be used.

Compatible input objects

Maps Out

Name Description
Packet Type
  • Tracked Point – The data being output is from a single tracked point.
  • Rigid Body – The data being output is from a rigid body.
  • Camera – The data being output is from a camera object.
  • Moveable – The data being output is from a moveable.
  • Mesh – The data output is from a mesh object.
Object ID The specific object number or ID can be selected here.
Position When on the positional data will be output.
Rotation When on the rotational data will be output.
Rotation Conversion
  • Direction – The rotational data will be converted into directional rotation.
  • Euler – The rotational data is relevant to a rigid body rotating on different axis on a single point.
Velocity When on the velocity data will be output.
Acceleration When on the acceleration data will be output.
Visibility When on the input visibility data will be output.


Name Description
  • Global Position – The global position will be output.
  • Relative Position – The relative position will be output.
  • Global Effected Position – The global effected position will be output.
  • Target Position – When selected the target position will be output.
  • Global Rotation – The global rotation of the object will be output.
  • Relative Rotation – The relative rotation will be output.
  • Global Effected Rotation – The global effected rotation will be output.

Advanced sharing options

Name Description
Trigger Send Pressing this button will send out a trigger value.
Use on change When on, the trigger will be output when the values change.
Use on Interval When on, the trigger will be output in a time interval.
Timer Interval (ms) The time interval can be altered in milliseconds.

Compatible output objects

Node Based Mapping

Sensor Receiver

Name Description
Module Info The module name will be displayed here when connected.
ID The sensor ID will be displayed here when connected.
Name The of the sensor can be manually input.
Value The receiver value will be displayed here.

Generic Receiver

Name Description
Module Info Module information will be displayed here when connected.
  • Float – Individual X, Y or Z data.
  • Integer – These are whole numbers.
  • String – The output value will be a string of text.
  • Colour – The output value will be a colour value.
  • Vector – Combined XYZ data.
  • Point – This sends out XY data.
  • Bool – These are true or false messages.
Name The output name can be added manually.
Value The output value will be displayed here.

Sensor Sender

Name Description
Module Info The module information will be displayed here.
ID The ID number of the sensor can be added here.
Name The name of the sensor can be added here.
Value This is the output value.

Generic Sender

Name Description
Module Info The module information will be displayed here
  • Float – Individual X, Y or Z data.
  • Integer – These are whole numbers.
  • String – The output value will be a string of text.
  • Colour – The output value will be a colour value.
  • Vector – Combined XYZ data.
  • Point – This sends out XY data.
  • Bool – These are true or false messages.
Key Output key can be added here.
Value This is the value that will be output.

Receiver/Sender Layout

Name Description
Editable When on, the node is editable.
Locked When on, the node is locked into its position on the board.