Grass Valley Native Protocol is used to communicate with the Grass Valley routing systems.

Grass Valley Native Setup

Name Description
Remote Host This is where the IP address of the server can be added.
Remote port This is the port that the data package will be sent to.
Interface This is the IP address of the local network interface (NIC) which should be used for this connection.
Is Connected When on, the device is connected.

Trigger Maps

Trigger Maps can be called among other things within interface objects like Buttons, Dropdowns, Timeline Trigger Layer, Areas, Nodes, and many more. There are 2 types of trigger maps available for Grass Valley Native.

Call Salvo

Execute the salvo specified by the “Salvo Name”.


Name Description
Destination The destination of the video
Source The source of the video
Level Index If no level index is specified, then all-level take occurs