1. You need to install Steam and SteamVR on the same computer like Stage Precision is installed.
  1. For each Vive Tracker you need a Vive USB Dongle attached to your computer.
  1. After SteamVR is installed, go to the following path:
    Open these file with a text editor: „default.vrsetting“

  1. Search for „enable“ and change the word „false“ to „true“.
    There should now be the following:
    “enable“: true,
  1. Store and close this file.
  1. Go to the following path:
    Open these file with a text editor: „default.vrsetting“.

  1. Search for „requireHMD“ and set the value to „false“.
    There should now be the following:
    “requireHMD“: false,
  1. Search for „forcedDriver“ and set the value to „null“.
    There should now be the following:
    “forcedDriver“: “null”,
  1. Search for „activateMultipleDrivers“ and set the value to „true“.
    There should now be the following:
    “activateMultipleDrivers“: true,
  1. Store and close this file.
  1. Restart Steam and SteamVR.
  1. Start Stage Precision and add a OpenVR IO.
    You should now be connected with the Vive data stream.

  1. You can now add the tracker by clicking on the blue magnifying glass.