
Name Description
Position This will move the object along X, Y and Z axis in the local space.
Scale Scale of the coordinate system. To scale the Object check the settings under “Display”
Rotation Rotation of the object along X, Y and Z axis.


Name Description
Weight This is the amount that the objects are affected, the higher the number the more the objects are affected.
Frequency This is the speed at which the values affect the targets. Controlled by the speed at which the wave reaches the peaks and troughs.
Offset This applies an offset scale to the wave.
  • Radial
  • Linear
  • Index
  • Falloff
Linear Direction
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
Gradient Size The size of the gradient can be set here in meters.


Name Description
Blend Mode
  • Normal
  • Lighten
  • Darken
  • Multiply
  • Average
  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Difference
  • Screen
  • Overlay
  • Softlight
  • Hardlight
Colour Gradient Double-clicking on either end of the colour block will open up two colour pickers and the gradient colours can be chosen.


Name Description
  • Infinate
  • Cube
  • Sphere
  • Linear
Position Type
  • Effected Position
  • Original Object Position
Falloff The falloff percentage can be changed using the slider.
Radius The radius of the falloff can be altered in meters.
Cube Size The XYZ scale in meters can be altered.
Invert When on, the effect will only be applied outside the effector.

Effected Objects

Parameters that contain target objects can be added using the + button.


Name Description
Target A target object can be selected by using the trigger button. The target object/s will be affected by the effector.
  • Tracker
  • Pixel
  • Spotlight
  • Light Fixture
  • Winch
  • Winch2
  • Winch3


Name Description
Display Object If ticked, the object will be visible in the scene. If un-ticked, the object will not be visible.
Display Label When on, there will be a label displayed next to the object.
Locked When un-ticked, it activates keyboard shortcuts – pressing ‘E’ allows you to move and ‘R’ rotate.
Object Colour Double click the colour block and this will open a colour picker. This can be used to change the object display colour.
Viewport Scale Dimensions of the object in the viewport in meters.

Display Settings Tutorial

Video Tutorial

Gradient Effector setup begins at 05:15.

Node Based

The gradient effector can be manipulated in the board by adding the effector as a node, this can be done by clicking and dragging the specific effector on the board.

Name Description
  • Input – The effector’s values are determined by incoming values from an external source.
  • Output – The effector is outputting data to another source.
Target Object The object that will be affected can be selected here.
Position The XYZ values will be displayed here.
Rotation The XYZ values will be displayed here.
Enabled When on, the parameter is active and enabled.
Displayed Colour This colour block can be changed by changing the parameter display colour.


Name Description
Editable When on, the node is editable.
Locked When on, the node is locked into its position on the board.